Don’t Wait to Start in Photography | 2021
First, take a deep breath. This is going to take some time and no small amount of study. But sooner than you think everything you don’t know, you will. Don’t wait to start in photography in 2021. But how? What do I start with? Where do I get the info I need? Before you even have that super sweet camera and a army of lenses you can start learning how to use them. Before you have a business you can learn how to run it. And before you even get your first client you can learn how to get them.

Don’t wait to start in photography in 2021, get started now and you’ll get where you want to be!
First, take a deep breath. Getting started in photography doesn’t mean having a camera. This is going to take some time and no small amount of study. But sooner than you think everything you don’t know, you will. Don’t wait to start in photography in 2021. But how?
What do I start with? Where do I get the info I need? Before you even have that super sweet camera and a army of lenses you can start learning how to use them. Before you have a business you can learn how to run it. And before you even get your first client you can learn how to get them.
“Nothing worth doing is ever easy.”
I can’t tell you how much I regret not listening to this advice about not waiting to start. Not just for photography but even stuff like this, blogging. I procrastinated starting my blog for so long because it looked like a headache and when I finally worked up the courage to start, after I got through the initial set up and had my first blog done, that was of course horrible, I wrote ten more that day.
And by the second day I had a method and stream lined my posts. Now it’s like my most favorite thing in the whole flat world.
To learn all these things you really need a mentor. Someone to show you the ropes and the “How to.” But with the changes in the world with covid finding this resource is a growing challenge. But luckly there is an entire world of mentors waiting for you online. Some you have to pay for and some are free.
Here are a few web mentors to get you started on STUDYING. Because knowledge is power and is something you can obtain before you even launch your business.
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Mater Class is exactly what is sounds like and has improved my art by leaps and bounds just with the free videos. It is a video series that teaches you tips, tricks and exercise methods of those who have already made it in their industry successfully like Gordan Ramsay, or photographer Annie Leibovitz but my favorite is the teacher I related with the most writer Neil Gaiman.
And for 180.00 a year you can learn for ALL the masters featured, which is amazing because you can learn something about photography, production, business etc. from all of them check out the free trailers and classes on YouTube. this is my one and only paid suggestion because it’s the only one that will really help you.
Adorama is actually a camera store that sells almost any brand. Adorama offers a credit system and a refurbished sections for cheaper buys. But they also have an amazing YouTube channel that uploads every day with advice and “how to’s” by many different experts is the field like David Bergman and Gavin Hoey.
Adorama is mostly free and from here you can launch your studies to the next level and once you apply what you’ve learned from these experts into real life and find out what works and doesn’t in practice you’ll really be on your way to being a photographer and not just a person with a camera calling themselves a photographer.
Of course you still need a camera. And you can find them for pennies on craigslist, Facebook Market Place, or your local pawn shop!
Never let the doubt stop you, FALL FORWARD.