How Did I Find a Photography Mentor in 2021

How do I find a photography mentor in 2021? Considering everything that is going on in the world, you can and we will get you a mentor, or several. Finding a mentor can be difficult, impossible or you may not know where to start. Here are the men and women that have become my web…

How do I find a photography mentor in 2021?

Considering everything that is going on in the world, you can and we will get you a mentor, or several.

Finding a mentor can be difficult, impossible or you may not know where to start. Here are the men and women that have become my web mentor over the years. That means these are the experts that I have found to actually give you the answers you need, they are good teachers, making it easier to understand what they are teaching you and go farther than just technique.

A mentor teaching more than just technique is key to your success. Listen, anyone with a camera and the will to venture out into the world and communicate with it via your camera CAN learn almost everything from trial and error. But the philosophy, truth in business and the “between the lines” problems you will encounter along the way is really what a mentor is for and here are my web mentor.

  • men·tor/ˈmenˌtôr,ˈmenˌtər/noun An experienced and trusted advisor.
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#1 Daniel NortonDaniel Norton

For me, the bulk of my recent knowledge of photography comes from this man Daniel Norton. A top New York commercial photographer that has his own YouTube channel as well as one of the Adorama teachers, and, without a doubt my #1 pick. He talks on philosophy, technique, business, inspiration, gear and has a impeccable relationship with his models and team. When I first stumbled on Daniel Norton it was during one of his live streams in the studio and I really didn’t know what to think of him but when the hour live stream was done I had a page of new information to use and use it I did.

I went to my make shift studio and started using his advice and the quality of my images finally started to reflect what I saw in my mind. His teaching style is for everyone meaning, no matter what kind of person you are his classes will get you farther than where you were, and whenever I have asked a question in the comments section on his YouTube channel he has almost always answered me. I look up to this man a lot and I know you will too.


#2 Sean Tucker

Are you a introvert? And want to learn how to handle people in a live photography sense like posing or controlling large groups and how to use introversion to guide your subject. Here is your mentor, Sean Tucker, he has a website and a free YouTube channel. He is a heavy introvert and talks not only about technique and style but how to over come your introvert challenges so you can excel at photography and maybe open up new avenues like wedding photography.

Sean Tucker is a head shot photographer primarily but also gets out there with some landscape and almost fine art photography. I am not a introvert but have still learned many a lesson from this amazing photographer.

#3 Jared Polinichimichael blog

Jared Polin is a outrageous photographer who is known for his career as a music/band photographer. He has a decent YouTube channel and gives great gear reviews as well as tips and tricks for shooting and editing. He isn’t afraid to break out into other forms of photography like in one video he showed us how to shoot fireworks and has no fear when it comes to speaking his mind about photography, other photographers and his personal philosophy.

So there you go. Three great people to start learning from as your web mentors!

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